Leading civil engineering and groundworks contractor, O’Brien, has successfully completed the biggest concrete pour in its 50 year history. The work was carried out at Hanson UK in Leicester and comprised 1100m3 concrete over a 2200m2 slab for a chamber dryer.
Tony Mitchell, Project Manager said: “This is unique to O’Briens due to the large amount of concrete poured and we believe the key to our success was being able to co-ordinate simultaneous concrete deliveries from five separate plants, while making sure that the traffic management was thoroughly organised.
The large quantity of concrete required 2 no 52m boom concrete pumps to maintain the required output and ensure that concrete was placed in the working day”.
The Hanson brick factory is a £54 million facility with the capacity to produce 100 million bricks a year. It also features a low energy, low waste production process, including a kiln heat recycling system to maximise heat recovery and reduce gas consumption.
The value of O’Brien Contractors’ work is £4.75 over a 30 week period.