The Road to Success – Highways and Infrastructure Works

Highways and Infrastructure Works
Highways and Infrastructure Works

From construction of new roads and road junctions, traffic roundabouts, realignment of highways Section 278 and 38 works, utilities work, new signage, lighting, drainage and temporary traffic management, O’Brien have the expertise and experience to carry out all elements of highways and infrastructure works. We deliver a full spectrum of civil engineering and groundworks across a range of different sized infrastructure and highways projects, from smaller developments to major highways works.

O’Brien are experts at carrying out infrastructure works on sites being prepared for further development, including industrial and commercial, housing developments and manufacturing sites.  We carry out all bulk earthworks, road construction, car parks, footpath, cycleways, highways bridges and roundabout construction, Section 278 and 38 works.  We undertake all drainage works including Section 104 works and utility installation works.

Highways and Infrastructure Works

Highways and Infrastructure Works

Public Interface

Where our projects involve interface with members of the public, including in very sensitive environments, we liaise and notify members of the public and residents prior to and during our projects.  We provide information to keep them fully informed of activities, with open lines of communication at all times


We work collaboratively with consultants, local authorities, highways agencies, planners, architects, and utility providers, as well as ecology, environmental and archaeological specialists, to achieve the contract objectives and goals of the client and other stakeholders.


As a company, we have been at the forefront of Machine Control since its early adoption in the UK in the 90’s and have assisted the major manufacturers Trimble and Topcon with developing their systems for market and continue to do so to this day. Realising the potential and investing into such systems early has left us at the leading edge of this technology here in the UK.

We are currently rolling out Easy BOP Construction Management Software across the business for efficient, timely and paperless information for our head office, site, and transport department.

Highways and Infrastructure Works Highways and Infrastructure Works

Early Contractor Involvement Benefits

 The most effective way for O’Brien Contractors to work with our clients, to deliver as much value as possible is through Early Contractor Involvement. By being a part of the initial design, specification, and programming process, we ensure that projects are scoped, de-risked and costed effectively and by using our senior management team as consultants where necessary, we can provide operational and commercial advice on feasibility studies.  Our extensive knowledge and experience mean that we can solve problems that arise and propose alternatives that can make jobs safer, quicker and more cost effective without affecting the quality of the end product.

Recent projects include: