O’Brien were engaged as Principal Contractor for the project to extend the Shire Lodge Cemetery in Corby. The works which commenced in December 2021 were carried out in two phases over 26 weeks. The contract was awarded following a PQQ and competitive tendering process.
We have had to overcome access issues, due to shared access to the facility by adjacent athletics, tennis facilities and Corby Town Football Club as well as a COVID testing centre, for much of the project. We overcame this by managing designated traffic routes and the use of marshals to separate all parties.
Tree protection was installed and for the duration of the project, by planning traffic routes coupled with the erection of heras fencing, and we have interacted with ecologists and timing of bird nesting season, for the removal of natural habitat in course of the works.
The cemetery extension is crucial as burial space is due to run out in late 2022 without the project being undertaken. The project works will provide a further 25 – 30 years of burial space, new and upgraded facilities and improved parking access to the cemetery grounds.
The new area will provide memorial gardens, additional burial plots, with areas set out to provide distinct areas for different uses including burials, remembrance gardens and internment of ashes.
Our works on the site include earthworks, hard and soft landscaping, eighty space car park as well as a new staff welfare facility.
Works are being undertaken adjacent to the existing cemetery; therefore, it has been imperative that all works are carried out in a mindful and sympathetic mann