We are working as principal contractor on behalf of Clowes Development to carry out essential highway infrastructure works to create a new access route to the new £800 million mixed-used neighbourhood, Fairham, in Nottinghamshire.
The ongoing contract commenced in September 2022 and is part of the partnership between Clowes Development and Homes England, the government’s housing accelerator. Once complete, the scheme will provide new employment opportunities, 3,000 new homes and 200 acres of green space in Nottingham.
During our time on this phase of the project, our dedicated in-house team undertook day and night time works including earthworks, infrastructure and landscaping across the 606-acre site. Improving access to the neighbourhood was essential, and right from the start, we used our expertise to minimise disruption to the public. Works involving busy roads were carried out at night to mitigate the risk of delays whilst reducing the impact on local residents.
Our role focused on reconfiguring the approach to Clifton Park & Ride by providing new dual access roads and a roundabout, improving public access to the site. With the population of Fairham set to increase sharply in the near future, it was vital that all transport infrastructure was upgraded or designed with the future in mind. Putting the right strategy in place prior to construction ensured our works will stand the test of time, this included a number of roads and access routes, which will unlock key areas of the site for future development phases.
Our works includes:
- 170,000m3 of cut and fill
- 12,205m2 of roads constructed
- 5,326m2 of footpaths and cycleways
- 2,920m of drainage installed
- 12 bus stops constructed
- 16 concrete headwalls
- 3 repeat contracts secured with client
Our latest drone footage:
Ali Malik, Director at Clowes Developments, said: “The decision to work with O’Brien Contractors on the third phase of works is a direct result of the success of our two previous projects. The team has proven to us that they are more than capable of handling the job and we trust them to deliver the project on time. It is great to have them on board for the next stage of this major development in the Nottinghamshire area.”
Right from the start
With one million sq. ft. of employment space and 3,000 new homes being developed across the Fairham site, ensuring we leave a lasting legacy is important. We’re positively constructive, so right from the beginning of our contract, thorough planning and stakeholder engagement has ensured our work is delivered to the highest quality with minimum impact to both the environment and local residents.
Our focus on sustainable methods and practices as technology leaders ensures we select the right product with the least significant impact on the environment we work in. When selecting asphalt for the project we chose to use low carbon asphalt for the new roads and highways at Fairham, to help decarbonize the roads and reduce carbon dioxide output around the new neighbourhood. The low carbon asphalt allowed us to reduce disruption with quicker cooling times to meet trafficking temperatures and increased team productivity throughout the project.
The third works package is still underway: https://obriencontractors.co.uk/obrien-contractors-win-third-contract-at-major-nottingham-development/