O’Brien has secured a contract at the British Sikh School in Wolverhampton for Morgan Sindall. Works will commence on the site shortly, with contract completion in time for the school to open to pupils in September 2018.
The contract win is a result of the success Morgan Sindall and O’Brien Contractors have had on previous projects.
Established in 1958, we are a second generation, family-run business that has gone from strength to strength and expanded into a range of new sectors.
From commercial units and Olympic-standard sports facilities, hospitals, universities, highways and commercial housing developments, our extensive experience consistently leads to the delivery of class-leading solutions.
Key projects and customers include: the regeneration of Longbridge town centre; groundworks and infrastructure works for Morgan Sindall and the Primark Retail Distribution Centre; foundations, drainage and underground services with Sir Robert McAlpine.
For more information, please contact info@obriencontractors.co.uk on 01926 423 918.