O’Brien visited Stratford Upon Avon Foodbank today to present a cheque for £2,000.
The donation is linked to the recent work we have carried out at Stratford Upon Avon College for their new campus. Having worked closely together over the last few months we discussed possible charities/causes in the area that might be worthy of a donation and the Foodbank was highlighted as a great recipient.
Having spoken to the team at the foodbank today it was interesting to hear that they are feeding 59% more people in 2023 than in 2022. Although well supported by the local area, they are in need of donations to maintain the level of support that is required across the town at present.
Kate Morris, Foodbank Manger, said: “We are hugely grateful for the support of O’Brien Contractors Ltd, and thankful to the college for nominating us, as we discussed donations are down and the demand is ever increasing.”
Stuart Chamberlain, Executive Director, said: “It was great to meet the team today and hear how our donation will help them. Community collaboration is part of our social value commitment, we believe in the power of working relationships, and we actively seek aiding local organisations, charities, and community groups. By working together, we can leverage our skills, resources, and expertise to address the unique needs of the communities in which we operate.”

If you would like to support The Trussell Trust Foodbanks please click here: https://www.trusselltrust.org/make-a-donation/