O’Brien’s Site2Site Charity Walk has raised in excess of £3K for its charities.
The charity walk took place on Saturday 9th September and 32 of O’Brien’s staff and families braved the 12 mile trek from Gaydon to Cubbington.
The route took the walkers through Harbury, Offchurch and back into Cubbington, with a couple of teams adding on a extra few miles bringing their mileage up from 12 to 16, with an unsuccessful short-cut.
The charity walk was organised by O’Brien Charitable Trust, a huge well done to them for their time and effort in arranging a great charity event.
Peter O’Brien, Director, said: “Congratulations to all who completed the Site2Site Charity Walk and to those who organised yet another successful charity event. We are edging ever closer to our £15k target, let’s keep up the momentum.”
O’Brien Charitable Trust will continue to raise funds for its charities throughout 2017, if you would like to help or contribute in any way please contact, Kelly Davis at kellydavis@obriencontractors.co.uk or call 01926 423918.