Our Commitment to Protect and Enhance Biodiversity of the Site
We were committed to ensuring that the original biodiversity of this important site would be protected during our works and enhanced on completion. Additional landscaping, ponds, and other necessary works ensured that lost biodiversity units from the works were replaced during the extension of the cemetery.
As part of our commitment to the environment and our commitment to social value in the areas that we work, we gifted bird boxes, bat boxes and insect houses to our client for use in the new cemetery grounds. The items were purchased from the National Trust, where timber products are made from FSC certified materials, and where money from every purchase goes back into looking after other important sites.
The new cemetery is located in an area that forms part of a ‘Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC)’. A site which was part of an important and well used and popular public open space, much loved and important to the local community. Prior to and during our works we completely understood the importance of this stunning area for habitats in the form of plants, trees and wildlife and our part in the protection of it.
O’Brien have carried out numerous projects where the importance of protecting and improving the biodiversity of the project site has been a critical element of the works. This gave our client Sandwell Council the confidence to award the contract for this very important and sensitive site in Rowley Regis, for the ‘New Canalside Cemetery’.
During the works O’Brien complied with all relevant legislation including:
- Wildlife and Countryside Act 1991
- Protection of Badgers Act 1992
- Conservation (Natural Habitats etc.) Regulations 1994
- Wild Mammals (Protection) Act 1996
To see details of our project at Rowley Regis, click this link! https://obriencontractors.co.uk/projects/rowley-regis-new-canalside-cemetery/